Sunday, January 4, 2009

The best trips have no itineraries

Last month I visited my friend Raegan in DC. It was kinda a last minute thing...I was waiting for just the right airfare...which never happened. But I was excited to catch up with Raegan who had been my roommate in Brookline for the last 7 years, up until June. We casually joked before I left that I "would do some research"...being an information's kinda my thing. And other friends asked me what I was going to do in DC, and I just replied, "coffee and shopping"...very uncharacteristic for me.
So, I left for my weekend in DC...changing planes in Newark, which I will do everything to avoid in the future. After 2 delayed departures in Boston, an hour on the tarmac at Logan, and a 2.5 hour delay in Newark for my connection, I was in DC. Thank goodness for once in my life I resisted the overpacking urge, and carried on. I read all 495 pages of Twilight while in transit, finishing the last page while landing at Reagan-National.
When I finally met up with Raegan, she was surprised to learn that I had done absolutely no research on DC. I had seen all the sights on multiple school trips, business trips, and vacations, and was kinda touristed out of DC. My Dad made sure to remind me 10 times before I left that the Smithsonian Museum of American History had just re-opened after a massive renovation, but that was just not on my radar.
So, what did I do for the 36 hours I was in DC? I had coffee and shopped, and ate great food at local places. Got a really cool hat at World Market. Bought the second Twilight book. Went to Loehmann's. Shopped pre-Christmas sales for ourselves. We bought wine in a beaker-type bottle. We watched fashion television. Walked all over Georgetown before decidicing on a place for dinner. Visited some "Irish" pubs--not sure if thye'd pass for Irish pubs in Boston. Overheard some really interesting conversations on the Metro explaining the difference between a "pimp" and a "whore enabler". We went to a great jazz brunch. Saw a Santa pub crawl and a real live walking Christmas tree (well, someone dressed up as one with presents to boot). We walked the National Mall. My one sole touristy thing was seeing the national Christmas tree. Check in that box.
And then it was time to go home, another Newark derailed trip, but luckily I got switched to a direct flight. I did a lot of unplanned and fun stuff...which is a big step for someone who has been dubbed the "master planner" by friends. The person who is handed the map, and figures out which metro line to take no matter the city. The attraction spreadsheet maker, currency converter, and translator.
It was not a matter of having plans, but a matter of being with friends...something that I've been slowly realizing over years of traveling with friends and with Jesse. When an innkeeper in Galway told me, "you've come to a door, but you haven't gone through it," upon hearing the regimented day I had planned to taking us (me, Louisa, Denise, and Glod) away from Connemara, the rustic, rural, picturesque area to the west, I stopped, and realized that traveling is about being flexible. Something that hasn't always come to me, the structure-lover. After a quick conference in our Ford Focus, the four of us were on our way to Connemara...abandoning our original plans. And I was ok with that--something changed in me that instant.
Traveling is not about how many museums, monuments, or battlefields you see (don't tell my Dad that), it's about enjoying the time with your companions, and just letting yourself adapt to a city, culture, country. And carrying-on whenever possible.A

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